Ohio is the third largest employer in the plastics industry, and with assets like those available in Meigs County, it’s easy to see why. In addition to a large, hard-working workforce with the skills plastic manufacturers need, Meigs County offers rail access to affordably bring in key inputs such as plastic pellets and other materials.
Plastic manufacturers will also benefit from an extensive network of two-lane, interstate grade highways with nearby connections to interstate highways in all directions putting more than 160 million consumers within a one-day (600 mile) truck drive.
Almost three quarters of our regional workforce of more than 290,000 is between 19 and 54 years old, offering a reliable stream of workers that offer both experience and youth. Many of our high school graduates and residents attend Ohio University located just a 20-minute drive away, working on degrees that will give the skills plastic manufacturers are looking in areas such as:
American Electric Power (AEP) can reliably meet the power needs of energy-intensive plastics manufacturers and works with new and expanding businesses to provide incentives and energy management tools to help them further control energy costs. Water supplies from our local providers are capable of supplying even the most demanding needs, and our natural gas supplies are beyond abundant. The entire county sits atop two of the most productive shale formations in the country. Together, the Marcellus Shale and the Utica Shale – the “Natural Gas Giant” that lies below it – produce more than 460 million cubic feet of natural gas annually from Meigs County wells.
Contact us today to explore all the benefits a location in Meigs County has to offer your operation.
Contact the Meigs County Economic Development Office at:
236 East Main Street, Pomeroy, OH 45769
(740) 992-3034
(740) 992-7942 Fax
Or email Director Perry Varnadoe at director@lygtyb.com
Thank you to our energy partner, American Electric Power
© Meigs County Ohio Economic Development Office. Marketing services provided by Brand Acceleration, Inc.